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Licence Valuation
Thursday 14th May 2015 - 09:30 am to 4:30 pm
Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel
Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3QD UK

Valuation is an essential pre-requisite to entering into licensing transactions. It is, however, often regarded as impossibly difficult to do, despite the large number of available methodologies. Licences are often one-sided deals in which the dominant partner sets the terms.

This MasterClass presents a non-mathematical approach to licence valuation, which looks behind "rules of thumb" to the basis on which value is determined. It is at an introductory to intermediate level and no prior understanding of valuation methodology is required; familiarity with Excel spreadsheets is helpful. Delegates will receive hands-on training in developing and testing valuation models.

This MasterClass has been CPD-accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (ref: ECW/CACL), for 5 CPD points.

What you will learn:

Bullet Basic licence structures; exclusivity; tiered royalties
Bullet Net Present Value: how discount rates and future sales affect value
Bullet Risk adjusted NPV; Monte Carlo simulation of rNPV
Bullet Risk share royalty rates; value of licence options; decision tree option analysis
Bullet Cognitive biases and their impact on valuation

Who should attend:

Bullet CEOs, FDs and BDDs of technology based companies
Bullet Licensing executives
Bullet Technology transfer managers
Bullet Investors and professional advisors to technology based companies


Early registration is advised. Numbers are limited, and MasterClasses are often oversubscribed

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Monte Carlo simulation of a
rNPV Model

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